
How to make your own youtube channel
How to make your own youtube channel

how to make your own youtube channel

I began delving into other features of Excel, and finding ways to incorporate them into the planning "system" I had created, and remember this was back in the day when the internet hadn't been invented :) I found that I need never have huge paper accountancy pads (remember those?) and a calculator to produce a production plan again! Suddenly, I could produce my plan in 15 minutes, rather than the day and a half it used to take. He introduced me to VLookups and a new world of possibilities opened up for me. The first was a chance conversation with one of our accountants when I was complaining how slow it was to keep having to flip between worksheets to see different bits of data. There were two turning points for me in my journey. If you can believe it, I was taught to then calculate with a calculator and TYPE the answers into Excel.you'd be surprised how many people I meet who still do this.

how to make your own youtube channel

Back then, we really only used it for typing tables in our production planning department. My love for Excel began soon after the program was released. I now specialise in consultancy, interim work and teaching here on Udemy. Hi, my name is Alan, and I have almost thirty years of experience in teaching various subjects and have held senior management positions at several blue chip and Times Top 100 companies. Over 165,000 Happy Students, in 200 Countries Are Enrolled In My Courses.

How to make your own youtube channel